Thursday, February 22, 2007

Web and logo design

These are some ideas developed from my preious designs for my website, with new Logo's;

Each website includes the same basic background each having different colours and detail. I have changed the title to be the logo instead of just text. Creating these designs has made me rethink my logos. I think my original ideas were too complex and this new idea of simply using the same font and effect as the logo for each and keeping the red "M" as the only image in the logo could be better. I am still undecided as to whether these websites are too complicated and contain too many large image files.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

More Flash

Just made this now as a little idea. I think the use of looping backgrounds is definately something im going to build on

Flash Animation

I started learning flash last week and have been applying myself to creating simple animations for my Logo that will hopefully become my animations for branding of Trent TV
These animations are purely expermentation as i am still struggling to make flash do what i want, however i can see the potential of this program if i set my mind to learning it. I am also interested in experimenting with bitmap images in flash as i am not sure whether the clean cut lines of flash are what i want for my identity.

Website Design

As part of my identity for Trent Media i am creating a website. I want the website to reflect and reinforce my identity that will exist in all manifestations of my project.I created the background for this website using watercolour paint and a scanner, although not visible in this image the thick paper i used to paint on gives the whole background a nice texture.

In this website I used the same painted background but with a different colour. I also tried to incorporate some of my design for the platform logo along the bottom (previous blog, Wednesday, January 17) I am trying to achieve web pages that are similar in style and tone but that are also individual to each strand of Trent Media.
I am slightly concerned about the loading time of a website with such a large picture as the background, although i think the naturally grainy texture of these images would mean i could get away with quite a large amount of compression on the images. Another problem i have encountered is how wide to make the pictures so that they will fit on any screen on any browser, i have made these images extra wide and deep so hopefully no one will have a screen wide enough to see the edge of the background, but i need to get some advise or do some tests.

Identity Manifesto

Whilst preparing for my presentation I thought a lot about what a corporate identity actually is and how I am going to implement my own. My understanding now is that a corporate identity is basically a concept behind a company that applies to all work the company does and produces and the representation of this concept through logo's and carefully chosen colour pallettes etc.
So for my project I have set Trent Media a new concept; an artistic company interested in sharing and show casing the artwork of Trent students. This means that Trent Media would function in the same way with Fly FM etc, but there would be a lot more opportunity for students to add to Trent Media and show there own art work.
My Identity is now going to be a representation of this concept, I will try and apply this concept to every aspect of the brand. Hopefully this theme will be reflected in my designs.